Preview - Determination Of Ohm's Law Using Simulated Circuits

Introduction to SImulation

You can use this model to set up various types of electric circuits. The pieces of that circuit are found at the bottom section of the model. You are able to place wires, light bulbs, switches, resistors and ammeters. To add a component to your circuit you can select it from the toolbox and then click somewhere on circuit to add. To remove a component, select the “X” from the toolbox and then click on the component in the workspace that needs to be removed. The circles with the numbers in them shows the voltage (V) at that point in the circuit measured in volts. Ammeters measure the current (I) of the circuit at that point in amps (A).

Take 5 minutes to mess around with and get accustomed to the simulation that you will be using. Create a working circuit!




Please answer the questions below.

Upload a screen shot of your working circuit.

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What do you think the blue moving charges represent?

Describe what happens if you make a circuit with just wires and a battery?

What are the basic parts needed to make a working circuit?


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.